State Prayer Focus For Alabama, Jan 6 – 12, 2002
Posted Jan 6th 2002, 12:00 by Alabama Strategic Prayer Network on Prayer
Written by Janet Smith, AL-USSPN, State Prayer Coordinator (2001 – 2003)

To: USSPN Regional and State Coordinators
From: Chuck D. Pierce Date: January 6, 2002
Re: Alabama Prayer Focus, January 6 – 12
Dear Coordinators: Here is the first of our weekly state prayer focuses for 2002. From January 6 – 12, we will be praying for Alabama plus Washington DC. Janet Lynch, our USSPN State Coordinator for Alabama, submitted the following points. I believe they will help focus our prayers for this state. Blessings, Chuck D. Pierce *************************
Strategic Initiatives for Targeted Intercession for the State of Alabama
- Declare that the redemptive purpose of Alabama having to do with Covenant and Government will come forth.
- Declare the spirit of justice is revealed and will prevail in the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches of state and local government.
- Declare that spirits of greed, lying, religious and political legalism and special interests, racism, poverty, confusion, division are dead in the state of Alabama.
- Declare that truth and justice arises and stands to cleanse the foundation of government through a total reformation of the covenant of state government as exhibited through the 1901 Alabama Constitution.
- Declare that our government is filled with an understanding of the responsibility of covenant to its citizenry based upon the Spirit of Liberty, Truth, and Justice.
- Declare all manner of evil is exposed and revealed, hearts are changed, and people are removed from the institutions to which evil has attached.
- Declare that Alabama continues to bless the nation of Israel as done in 1943.
- Declare Birmingham, Alabama will be as a tree of life planted by the waters and bringing forth its leaves for the healing of the nations.
- Declare Dothan, Alabama will bring forth the revival spirit that will impact this generation of young people and spread to the university and college campuses across the Southeast.
- Declare that the Native American Indian wound that unites Alabama and Oklahoma in purpose is healed in Jesus name and will be a catalyst to bring about reconciliation.
- Declare that Alabama shows the “Heart of the Father” and unites His children together in love for Him and for each other.
- Declare that Alabama no longer agrees with the motto “The Heart of Dixie” which was birthed out of rebellion to the established authority. Declare also that the blood of the Lamb redeems any such other statements regarding our state.
- Declare the spirit of religion, which has supported itself by turning the Word of God into a lie thus holding us captive to the spirit of error, is defeated.
- Declare that out of a heart of love for the Father Alabama confesses, proclaims, and obeys each of the 10 commandments and the greatest commandment of loving the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength as well as loving our neighbor as ourselves.
- Declare that Alabama has a spirit of humility and no longer agrees with spirits of pride and arrogance.
- Declare that Alabama has the strength and courage to move out of the past season of desolation and into the season of prophetic fulfillment.
- Declare that the ascension gifts present in our state are in perfect alignment.
- Declare that the government of the Lord is established in Alabama.
- Declare that governmental anointing which has been capped in Alabama is released and comes forth in full measure in Jesus Name.
- Declare that the plans and purposes of the Lord for Alabama will manifest and will no longer be hindered. Prophesy a clear pathway for them to come forth.