Posted Jan 7th 2002, 12:00 by Alabama Strategic Prayer Network on Prayer
Written by Janet Smith, AL-USSPN, State Prayer Coordinator (2001 – 2003)

The Father awoke me early this morning to come and learn from Him something of great importance for the up-coming year. He directed me to finish reading Chuck Pierce’s new book called “The Best is Yet Ahead” and at the close of the book is the following prophetic word that I believe is for us and for our work in the Strategic Prayer Network of Alabama. I submit this to you and ask that you seek the guidance of the Lord for the exact application for you, your city, your county, your region and your state. Please begin to speak this word daily to yourself and to the heavens above your area. There is great power in the spoken word of God and in coming into agreement with the plans and purposes of God. Make declarations a daily part of your time with the Lord, for they will bring life to you and to everything that your hands set themselves to do. Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap what you have sown. Circulate this word to those among whom you labor, and with those whom you co-labor with. Begin to confess these things as established in the realm of influence and authority that the Lord has given to you. Because the word of God is true and will not return void, you will immediately begin to see results. Blessings to you for the up-coming year of our Lord 2002, Because of Him, Janet Lynch Alabama State Coordinator NDP & USSPN ******************************
A PROPHECY AND CALL TO ADVANCE by CHUCK PIERCE from “THE BEST IS YET AHEAD” GOD IS SAYING TO US, This is a new day! Plant your feet and determine not to go backward. The enemy will assault you to press you backwards. Have I not said,