10,000 Pray-ers Interceding for Alabama,
the Southeast Region and the Nation
Join today and receive special e-alerts:
- AL10K Watchman Prayer Alerts: A strategic call to transformational prayer focused on Alabama, the Southeast Region and the Nation. Delivered weekly to your inbox. Designed to be prayed as soon as you open them (also to take to your prayer groups). You are uniting with thousands of Christians across Alabama in immediate prayer over critical issues.
- Regional Prayer Watch: Weekly prayer alerts that focus prayer on current events occurring in the Southeast Region with a special emphasis targeting Justice, Reformation and Awakening.
- Pray Alabama’s e-Calendar: comes with your e-mail subscription and arrives in your mailbox weekly. Listed are Pray Alabama’s upcoming prayer and worship gatherings, conferences and training seminars designed to better equip you and your church in prayer and worship for the transformation of Alabama communities.
Watch and Pray . . . Matthew 26:41